Choiceless Awareness...Thoughts on Meditation
At Wednesday night Meditation Group, this phrase in the 15 minute guided meditation, was used a few times. I have to admit, that the first time it was used I sort of disregarded it...but then after the second and third time it was said I became confused and perplexed on it's meaning...."Choiceless Awareness". The guide was talking about letting those random thoughts come in and instead of being aware and then move on and past them the guide suggested...well, to actually follow the thought and acknowledge it and ponder. Ok, the word "choiceless"is one I have never used and the meaning; power of choosing between things. Choice implies the opportunity to choose. So choiceless not have the power to choose. Awareness: the state or condition of being aware ; having knowledge; consciousness. I have thought about these two words used togeth...