Hello lovely readers! As you can see from the posts below, Terri is the writer here. However, I wanted to post something at the launch of our new endeavor. I was thinking about winter, and how symbolic it has been for mine and Terri's lives for the last few years. Changes with life circumstances, with jobs, with our friendship itself froze us in place for a while. For me, winter is the season of the Crone, who rules over the sleeping earth, the goddess of the crossroads, of the hibernating potential, the one who invites us to follow her underground for a time to rest. I looked at my biography that I wrote for this blog several years (!!!) ago now and wondered, how much of it is still true? I see that I have been sleeping. I garden only enough to have a few fresh veggies, haven't canned in a couple of years, knitting is sporadic, not really doing holistic therapy anymore. I have been underground with the Crone. ...