Good Bye Winter!

Yesterday began our reprieve from bitter cold and it was gorgeous out! I believe it reached the low 40's. To celebrate a gorgeous weekend, I'd like to share one of my grandmother's poems. She was a published poet and as you will see, very talented.

Remembering Maude G. Booth

The Last Snowflake

I was the last snowflake to leave;
I pondered reasons for reprieve.

I spoke with sunbeams in command,
Who said they really had it planned.

They taught me how the flowers grow
And showed me where the rivers flow.

I saw the birds come flying in
With songs above the bullfrogs din.

The sunbeams told how leaves unfurl
And how soft breezes made them twirl.

The blue of sky turned bluer still,
With anxious rain clouds primed for drill.

Now April challenged my delay;
Regretfully, I slipped away.

Maude G. Booth


  1. That is a great poem. My mom used to write too and had a few published. So cool.


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