Are you on a Wise Women's Journey?

This might seem like a daunting question, but it is really very easy to answer! The answer is YES! Welcome to a Wise Women's Journey!

Sometimes the road you are following seems strange, unknown, and you are questioning whether it is the right one. But believe me when I say that it does lead you to where you need to be. It may be winding, twisting, scary, doubling back, and seemingly going in a circle but it leads you to those experiences in life that become clear many miles down the road. I like this metaphor for life...a journey, on a road or a path of sorts or sometimes even an unmarked trail.

Do you sometimes feel like your life is meandering, with side excursions into a deep dark forest? Oh another fun metaphor! life is like that, isn't it?  Through all the choices or roads we choose, or not conscience choices because of what seems like unseen forces of brings us all to a question asked how many times in each of our lives, "what in the world has this been all about?".

The journey of ALL WOMEN lead to experiences in life that roll up into a messy blanket or a perfectly made bed, or something in between...or worse yet, messy sheets thrown on the floor or under the bed to be ignored or misplaced until we pick them up or look for be put back in place or found.
And what you do on your journey is your choice. Your experiences...a desire Line of intentions. Done your way. Following Your Path.

But this brings us back to another question; Do you have to do it alone? The answer is NO! Wise Women are everywhere who have a lifetime of experiences to share and nurture other women. And that is what we are striving to do with this "Wise Women's Journey" Blog. Our original journey started, and then suddenly veared off our chosen road to unknown (we haven't shared those scary, winding experiences yet) territories. We have journeyed back from that winding circle to this intentional "Desire Line" of where we are today.

Our journey began in 2011 and sadly was short lived and was in a hiatus...but 2017 is the year Wise Women's Journey is re-launched! We want to share with you a life filled with intentions and experiences that help facilitate; gratitude, friendship, understanding, joy, ideas, creativity, GOALS...and ___________, ___________, __________, which we will fill in along the way on our journey together.

My personal share today is in the photo of my cat Tinker sitting on the table with my new  "2017 Shining Year Goals Diary Planner" by Leonie Dawson. I joined her tribe of goal-getting goddesses! or!

One last share, which was part of our introduction when we officially opened Wise Women's Journey in 2012. It is powerfully written and it pretty much sums up what our journey together is all about!

"How might your life have been different if there had been a place for you?
A place for you to go...a place of women, to help you learn the ways of women...
a place where you were nurtured from an ancient flow sustaining and steadying you as you sought to become yourself. A place of women to help you find and trust the ancient flow already there within yourself...
waiting to be released...A place of Women...How might your life be different?"
-Judith Duerk, Circle of Stones

Love You!


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